Alimony &

Post-Separation Support

When one spouse contends that he/she is substantially dependent financially on the other spouse to meet his/her reasonable monthly need, the parties and/or the Court will have to address issues of spousal support.

In North Carolina, spousal support is referred to Post-Separation Support (PSS) and Alimony. PSS is spousal support designed to be temporary while litigation over permanent claims for Alimony are litigated. Alimony can be “permanent” or for a fixed set of months or years.

After parties begin living separate and apart, there can be significant changes in standards of living. Spousal support in the form of PSS or Alimony can be necessary issues that need to be addressed.

If you are a spouse with concerns about your potential obligations to pay Alimony, you will need to make sure you have the appropriate defenses raised on your behalf. If you do owe Alimony, it is important that you are paying an appropriate amount considering the fact that you also have monthly financial needs and obligations.

There is no “formula” to calculate Alimony in North Carolina. The issue of spousal support is very case specific.

If Alimony and Post- Separation Support are likely to be an issue which arises from your marriage and separation, let us represent you to make sure your financial rights are protected.

Johnston County’s Expert in Family Law